Monday, May 10, 2010

Lesbian In the High Court System

I remember telling everyone that America was going down the drain with Obama's crazy agendas, but did you ever think it would come to this.

To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention, but now I realize that I can't afford to not know what is going on. We now have a Lesbian in the High Court System. She is going to be doing all kinds of crap that I don't agree with..and i can tell you that right off the bat.

Not only do we have to worry about the socialization of our American rights and liberties, but now a lesbian is going to put us in jail for things we didn't do.

I know that many of you don't really know what this means, but let Gordon clear things up for you. If you are a straight, white, American born Christian, you are now a target. Things aren't going to be easy for you anymore...(not that it ever was) Now we have bias in the legal system. Our Kenyan prince is now watching over us white males with his "predator drones" (his words not mine). During the Correspondent's dinner at the white house, Obama promised to hunt down the wholesome Jonas Brother's Band. He tried to hide the fact that he hates these white boys by sneaking it in with all his jokes, but if you noticed he himself says, "You think I'm joking..." THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS!! He is NOT joking. He is willing to use his power as the American President to do whatever he wants.

If you think I'm overreacting then tell me this: How come he didn't make fun of any black people during the White House dinner?? Who is really at the butt end of his jokes?? WHITES! I never wanted any of this to be about race, but that's what Obama wants...and Obama gets what he wants. Bring it on.

I'm going to try to stay on subject here, but I'm so fired up that it's very hard to do.

Here's my point: Now that we have a lesbian, we have room for pretty much anything. Who knows? Obama could be paying off one of the other faithful supreme court justices to add a gay guy to the team...or maybe even a zebra. So far, we've had wholesome Americans, but now we have a lesbian. Obama is planning on getting rid of all the people on the team so that his agenda can be accomplished.

I'm not saying that I know who the anti-Christ is, but don't you think it's kinda strange that this would be happening so close to 2012?

Please tell me what you think.

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