Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where the hell do you get off?

Now you would think that is something a bus driver would say, but no my friends it's not where I heard it. I was at walmart the other day when I ran into an old high school buddy of mine. He was talking to me about how he's got kids and a wife and all that. Trying to make me jealous about all that stuff. I just up and told him what I've been up to. I told his sorry ass about how I've been putting up the fight with big government and big spending that Obama has been shoving down our asses. He tried to argue with me. He's black, so I pretty much knew that he mustav voted for that sorry ass communist. He tried to tell me that the economy is a complicated thing and started to talk like I wouldn't understand it. I told him what I thought. The aconomy is not complicated, it's easy. I have a thousand dollars in my saving account and I'm riding life well with my house and truck. He didn't know that I was that good with my money. I went on up and told him that if obama keeps taking money from our paychecks to pay for all the crap that he wants to do, well then he better be paying us back, because America doens't like being messed around with. There's going to be a fullon riot and he'll have no time to say sorry. I said that, and I yelled it right there in walmart. He looked surprised and before he even had a chance to say anything, I walked right out of there.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tea Party a Joke???

I had a person tell me the other day that the tea party is a joke... Just like nothing, I said, "well if it is a joke, it's a good one!" I was proud of myself for speaking up. Sometimes over at where I work, I feel like the only level headed conservative. I should have told him that jokes are good things, cause without jokes, we would be crying all the time about all the bad things in life. Or maybe I could've said, "yeah, well the tea party is a cruel joke on Obama!", cause that's true also.

People say to me that I'm must be a racist because I hate Obama. I hate it what people assume that I'm a certain way just because I do somethings that they would expect a redneck to do. I thought that is what THEY call stereo-typing. Well, look who's typing now! I am not a racist for the record. I just don't know where Obama was born. Look at his name! It is a fucking arab's name. He is only 1/2 American at most. His dad worshipped Alah! Try to tell me that he didn't watch his dad doing all the pagan shit and didn't want to be just like him?? You know he wants to be like his dad.

I get called a racist a lot. I don't care no more, cause I know what I am and it's not a racist.

I root for my race, just like anyone whould root for their favorite team in any football sport. I want the white guy to win, because he represents me. That's why a lot of people call me racist. If you think about it, Obama won the election because a bunch of black peopel got together and rooted for him, because he's black. If that ain't racism, I don't know what it is.

The tea party stands for what the white people want. WHenever I see anything with tea party people, I feel at home, because they all know about the struggle of being a white man. WE are the minority in this country and that's a shame, because we are the ones that arrived here first.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The color of your skin

I got in late last week from a fight from Dallas. For those of you who don't know me, you probably will never really know where I live. I try to keep my privacy because I don't trust some people out there to know where I live and what my face looks like. That's that.

Coming off the plane I noticed a few black guys making jokes to each other. I think it is nice that these people have a sense of humor, but to those who really have some experience with these people, you know that things can go south real fast.

It seems that they find it perfectly normal to make fun of my skin color, but get red hot mad when I start pointing out some of their race's mistakes. I'm a good natured guy. Besides my bad tempter, I'm pretty good, I think.

I hadn't heard of Chris Rock until I was in the waiting room the other day. I realized that he thinks that white people are boring or something like that. What did we ever do to them? I'm a southern white man and I've never owned a slave. I don't know about my Grandparents, but I'm pretty straight when it come to the slave stuff. I ain't lazy enough to let another man to do my work and feed my family.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Been a while

I know that I don't have many followers yet, but I do want to apologize, because I haven't made posts as much as I wanted to. My old lady went to the hospital to get herself hospitalized for some kinda infection in her ear. I kept telling her to not go and get that Swine Flu Vaccine, but she ain't the listenin type.

I've been worn out folks. It's gettin so damn hot in here. I had a few orders to spin through for some guy. Also been trying to get my grandma hooked to the internet. She's a liberal, but I love her though. I respect my family, cause blood is thicker than skin.

While I was gone, I've done what I needed to see about the oil spill over there in the wetlands of our Country. It's a crime and shame what those damn brits are doing to us. To those who don't know. BP stands for BRITS PATROLIUM. Those pale sissy sons a bitches just can't over the fact that we are our own nation now and that we got our asses straight. We don't need them and their dumbass island anymore, cause we got the motherland. They are over down in our marshlands dousing us with oil so they can blow our wildlife to smitherines.

I don't know what partriotic is if cleaning us that mess ain't. I salute our brave young men and women for doing that. Save the damn birds yall when you can, cause the next thing is going to be our liberty and out bald eagle.

I can't move my got damn arm. That son a bitch is burn to a crisp. Just know that I'm fighting my hardest to type these words on your screen.

I just want all yall to know that I am not dead...they ain't got to me yet. Keep preaching the good word and I'll see you one day or another.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lesbian In the High Court System

I remember telling everyone that America was going down the drain with Obama's crazy agendas, but did you ever think it would come to this.

To be honest, I wasn't paying much attention, but now I realize that I can't afford to not know what is going on. We now have a Lesbian in the High Court System. She is going to be doing all kinds of crap that I don't agree with..and i can tell you that right off the bat.

Not only do we have to worry about the socialization of our American rights and liberties, but now a lesbian is going to put us in jail for things we didn't do.

I know that many of you don't really know what this means, but let Gordon clear things up for you. If you are a straight, white, American born Christian, you are now a target. Things aren't going to be easy for you anymore...(not that it ever was) Now we have bias in the legal system. Our Kenyan prince is now watching over us white males with his "predator drones" (his words not mine). During the Correspondent's dinner at the white house, Obama promised to hunt down the wholesome Jonas Brother's Band. He tried to hide the fact that he hates these white boys by sneaking it in with all his jokes, but if you noticed he himself says, "You think I'm joking..." THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS!! He is NOT joking. He is willing to use his power as the American President to do whatever he wants.

If you think I'm overreacting then tell me this: How come he didn't make fun of any black people during the White House dinner?? Who is really at the butt end of his jokes?? WHITES! I never wanted any of this to be about race, but that's what Obama wants...and Obama gets what he wants. Bring it on.

I'm going to try to stay on subject here, but I'm so fired up that it's very hard to do.

Here's my point: Now that we have a lesbian, we have room for pretty much anything. Who knows? Obama could be paying off one of the other faithful supreme court justices to add a gay guy to the team...or maybe even a zebra. So far, we've had wholesome Americans, but now we have a lesbian. Obama is planning on getting rid of all the people on the team so that his agenda can be accomplished.

I'm not saying that I know who the anti-Christ is, but don't you think it's kinda strange that this would be happening so close to 2012?

Please tell me what you think.

Friday, May 7, 2010

On-Star is just Big Brother

With Obama trying to control everything from the Health Care that we get to the food that our kids eat, it doesn't surprise me that there is a little fear when it comes to what this maniac will do to get his way. Chevy has bent over to the Obamamania and now we are all in danger.

I have to admit, I've wanted a Chevy truck, but not with all this, I'm thinking of just sticking with Ford. At least Ford is not a sell out. To anyone planning on buying a Chevy, this is your fair warning. These shit-heads are out to get you and when you are sitting in the fancy government run truck of yours, just remember that you are sitting on Obama's lap.

It pretty obvious what is going on here. Obama has commissioned that ALL of the new Chevy models will have the OnStar feature, which is masked as a "safety feature". I am gonna call this one! All yall liberal poo-brains are wooed to this Kenyan's smooth looks, but I'm calling this one and the government might as well try to track me down and kill me...that's right they probably could.

With the new so-called "safety feature", the government has a microphone right inside of your car. In the comercials you will notice that nobody needs to make a call. Someone somewhere knows exactly where you are and when you have met with a collision. Who is to say that they aren't listening to your conversations the whole time and tracking your every move. You car used to be a private place where you can talk to your family or listen to your music. I personally talk about a lot of personal things in the car, but now Obama is killing it all and he's slipping it right under your noses.

They even have a feature now that slows down your car if it is stolen by someone. All you have to do it call the company and THEY CAN CONTROL YOUR CAR!!!! Yes! That is exactly what I said. Your car is going to be controled like some kinda toy by a government-run car company. Isn't it funny that this all happends right when Obama comes into office. You do the fucking math!

There are vehicles that park themselves. Who is the idiot who can't park his own car. It's just more proof that you can run anymore. Not from Big Brother. They are moving your vehicles withour your consent all in the name of safety. If they really cared about our lives they would be doing more to stop druck driving and teach people to drive better, but no this is what is happening. The Obama admisitration has got their grimy hands all over your car...good luck with protecting your right to privacy. Good luck you bastards and don't come crying to me when you can go anywhere without Obama down your throat. America is dying.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Everything is Wrong with Gays in the Military...Nothing is RIGHT!!!

I think that gays don't need to be in the military. I think that the noble men fighting for our Country's land overseas have enough to worry about. Why would you want to risk giving these brave solders AIDS??? I think it's stupid that this even happened! Where the heck did a gay-wad get the balls to join the military?? I bet that it wasn't because he loved my country, it was just because he wanted to be around our brave and hansom American soldiers.

The gays in this country don't quit, because we don't deal with them the proper way. These dang fags are making us look weak. I wish they all just go ahead and move on to some crazy loose country in england. Those Brits could probably use them for something.

I think my final solution to this problem would be to give the fags their own branch of military. Those fools could go marching around in shorts and they'd all probably die without the protection of our brave american soldiers.

I have nothing against gay people. I think I am open-minded. I'm just tired of the problems with this country. We used to be a good wholesome country, but now we got all this crap going on here. I just want everyone to know that I'm ok with gays living here, because this is a free country, but its a dang disgrace what they are doing over there sending our gays to fight our wars.