Friday, May 7, 2010

On-Star is just Big Brother

With Obama trying to control everything from the Health Care that we get to the food that our kids eat, it doesn't surprise me that there is a little fear when it comes to what this maniac will do to get his way. Chevy has bent over to the Obamamania and now we are all in danger.

I have to admit, I've wanted a Chevy truck, but not with all this, I'm thinking of just sticking with Ford. At least Ford is not a sell out. To anyone planning on buying a Chevy, this is your fair warning. These shit-heads are out to get you and when you are sitting in the fancy government run truck of yours, just remember that you are sitting on Obama's lap.

It pretty obvious what is going on here. Obama has commissioned that ALL of the new Chevy models will have the OnStar feature, which is masked as a "safety feature". I am gonna call this one! All yall liberal poo-brains are wooed to this Kenyan's smooth looks, but I'm calling this one and the government might as well try to track me down and kill me...that's right they probably could.

With the new so-called "safety feature", the government has a microphone right inside of your car. In the comercials you will notice that nobody needs to make a call. Someone somewhere knows exactly where you are and when you have met with a collision. Who is to say that they aren't listening to your conversations the whole time and tracking your every move. You car used to be a private place where you can talk to your family or listen to your music. I personally talk about a lot of personal things in the car, but now Obama is killing it all and he's slipping it right under your noses.

They even have a feature now that slows down your car if it is stolen by someone. All you have to do it call the company and THEY CAN CONTROL YOUR CAR!!!! Yes! That is exactly what I said. Your car is going to be controled like some kinda toy by a government-run car company. Isn't it funny that this all happends right when Obama comes into office. You do the fucking math!

There are vehicles that park themselves. Who is the idiot who can't park his own car. It's just more proof that you can run anymore. Not from Big Brother. They are moving your vehicles withour your consent all in the name of safety. If they really cared about our lives they would be doing more to stop druck driving and teach people to drive better, but no this is what is happening. The Obama admisitration has got their grimy hands all over your car...good luck with protecting your right to privacy. Good luck you bastards and don't come crying to me when you can go anywhere without Obama down your throat. America is dying.

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